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Stories To Tell is a full service book publishing company for independent authors. We provide editing, design, publishing, and marketing of fiction and non-fiction. We specialize in sophisticated, unique illustrated book design.

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Promote Your Book with the Google Books Partner Program

Biff Barnes

Do you want to promote your book to a huge audience for free? Of course you do!

The Google Books Partner Program allows authors and publishers to do just.

You send Google your title or upload a PDF of your book and it will be included in the Google index for free. Google Books will then match the content in your book with user searches. This is the same sort of process uses in delivering personalized search results or targeted ads with Google Ad Words. When Google Books displays your book, it does so for a targeted audience which will be most likely to buy it.

Here’s a quick summary of how the process works.

  • When Google Books matches your book’s content to a search it displays the title, author, a short excerpt containing the highlighted search term, and other public data about the book.
  • When a user clicks on your book she is taken to a limited excerpt of your book’s content.
  • The excerpt page provides links to bookstores and online retailers. If you sell your book directly on your own website, your site gets top billing appearing first in the list of purchase links.
  • Google Books previews also appear on book-related sites like online retailers and social book networks.

  • You can embed Google Books previews on your own website’s product page.
  • To protect your content Google Books displays only the limited excerpt of the book. Google protects Google Books submissions on the same secure servers it uses for its search data. The printing and copying functions are turned off on all Google Books pages.
  • Google Books provides analytics to allow you to track views of your book, click rates on purchase links, and other related data.

The signup process is simple and takes less than five minutes.

Here’s the link to the signup page.

If you have a book listed on the Google Books Partner Project, leave a comment and let us know how it has worked for you.